Your Invisalign Dentist in Winnipeg

Crooked, uneven, or crowded teeth can make you self-conscious. Cosmetics aside, these concerns can present oral health problems.

Teeth are harder to clean when they are misaligned and lead to premature wear and tear. Your mouth may be more susceptible to injury, and you may experience speech difficulties.

By shifting teeth to their ideal position, you improve your self-confidence, oral health, and overall well-being.

Invisalign® is one solution for misaligned teeth, and we’re pleased to offer it here at Aqua Dental Wellness in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic system designed to shift teeth into the proper position. Unlike traditional braces, it uses clear plastic aligners. It can provide the same results without the discomfort of metal brackets and wires and periodic adjustments.

What are the steps involved in getting Invisalign?

  • The first step to getting Invisalign is a smile assessment. We perform a comprehensive examination and check on the status of your oral health, your dental hygiene habits, and specific concerns.
  • We find out if Invisalign can meet your goals or address your oral health problems. If it’s the right solution for your needs, we proceed to develop a customized treatment plan. We do all this with you.
  • We use digital scans and X-rays to diagnose the condition of your smile. We take note of our findings as we design your smile using state-of-the-art software.
  • You get to see how your teeth will look at every stage of the treatment process - how they will move and in what order. Our goal is to position all teeth to their ideal locations, improve your bite, and make your smile healthier.
  • Once your aligners are ready you can start wearing them for at least 22 hours a day. The minimum number of hours you need to wear them may vary.
  • After two weeks you move to your next set of aligners. Dental visits every 4-6 weeks are crucial to monitor your progress and make adjustments where necessary.

Benefits of Invisalign

  • Removable. You can remove your aligners to eat or clean your mouth.
  • No diet limitations. There are no diet restrictions to worry about. Enjoy the food you want as you please.
  • Virtually-invisible. You’re wearing clear aligners, so people might not notice you’re getting dental work done.
  • Comfortable. The plastic aligners are designed to be soft and comfortable to wear even for long hours.
  • Easy-to-clean. Your Invisalign oral appliances are low-maintenance. You can clean them using your brush and toothpaste and put them back in after.
  • Fast treatment time. The average treatment duration for Invisalign is 12 months, but some may already see significant improvements in their smile within 6 months. It varies per patient.

What dental problems can Invisalign address?

Invisalign can resolve a wide range of orthodontic issues, including:

  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Open bite
  • Crowding
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Crooked teeth

During your comprehensive examination, we determine whether Invisalign can address your specific oral health concerns.

Is Invisalign right for me?

Invisalign is effective in fixing various dental issues, but it isn’t suitable for everyone.

The best way to find out is to schedule an evaluation with your dentist or orthodontist to discuss your concerns, lifestyle, and requirements. Dental professionals educate you about available options to improve your smile.

Learn more about getting Invisalign in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Your smile garners attention, whether you like it or not. Make it work in your favour.

Here at Aqua Dental Wellness, we work with Invisalign a lot, and we’re more than happy to share more information about it with you.

Ready to wear a confident smile? Contact us today at to book your initial consultation. Let’s find out if Invisalign is the orthodontic solution you need.